I was kinda disappointed of the Aprils day here, because it seemed to be like totally normal day :( I also realised that it is already April! I was supposed to post yesterday but i preferred to watch Master Chef.. I spent my weekend on Opononi, Hokianga, which was absolutely the most beautiful place I have visited so far. I was amazed by the "Misty Mountains" on the other side of the harbour. I tried to take photos of them, but I guess this is that kinda thing that you just need to see by your own eyes. New Zealand is such a beautiful country, and you kiwis should sometimes just stop for a moment and look around. You live in a paradise!
Paluumatkalla pysähdyttiin moikkaamaan maailman suurinta Kauri-puuta nimeltä Tane Mahuta. Se näytti ihan siltä puulta missä pöllö asuu Nalle Puhissa!
On our way back home we stopped to see the famous Tane Mahuta. It remains me of that tree where Owl lives in Winnie the Pooh!
Aivan ihanan näköstä! <3 Miks suomes ei voi olla tollanen sää!? >:(